That and the fact that I am unchangingly lazy in touching this blog. Don't get me wrong, I love this blog. But I'm lazy. See the connection?
Now, to rant. What is ranting? You might already know this, but since this is a ranting post, I'm going to explain anyway.
verb (used without object)
1. To speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave
So there you go. I don't think I am speaking in a violent and brutal fashion, nor am I wildly saying things (or maybe I am), so the best example would be me raving crap. Loads of it.
Right, now that we got things clear, let the ranting begin!
Firstly, books. Lots and lots of them. Shockingly, I have to admit I'm getting a little tired of reading them. Oh the horror. Well, not technically ALL of reading. Maybe English books. Somehow I find myself less and less in front of the pages. Frankly, I'm a little scared, but maybe (and hopefully) this will give me more time to study. But seeing that studying involves books as well...
On a side note, I have started reading a Chinese Light Novel (since English ones are damn hard to find) which I have bought from Popular. The plot sounded interesting enough, and I hope I can have a good time reading that.
Information on the book can be found here (Note: the entire webpage is in Chinese, so you'd best be able to read before going there).
Now, where was I? Oh right, in front of the computer.
Anyway, the next topic I would to discuss is the perplexing greeting of 'What's up?'. No seriously, this is a problem I do face with some people. I mean, what do you actually say in response to that? Usually I see people and go like, 'Hey there!', or the more common 'Hi.' or 'Hello.'. Rarely do I see anyone and say, 'What's up?'.
I mean, HOW do you respond to that? When people do greet me that way, I usually laugh or merely respond with 'Hi.'--which doesn't answer the question.
OK, OK, I'm going to give some examples of situation in which the two words are not exactly answered.
Situation 1:
Friend: "Hey man, what's up?"
Me: "Hey, what's up?"
Friend: *Goes into some random topic*
Situation 2:
Friend: "Hey man, what's up?"
Me: "The ceiling/the sky! Geddid?" *Laughs loudly*
Friend: "Errr... okaaaay. I'll see you around later..." *Leaves while giving me weird stares*
Situation 3:
Friend: "Hey man, what's up?"
Me: "Giant unicorns and purple meteors!"
Friend: "Errr... okaaaay. I'll see you around later..." *Leaves while giving me weird stares*
There you go. Perhaps there is a way this question can be answered. Maybe there is an underground cult who is passing these two words as a subliminal message to induce all to worship their dark god and convert all of us into mindless slaves for all eternity.
That or I just don't get it.
Next, on to stuff about recent events. Swag. What the heck is that? Is it edible? Visible? Playable? Or is it a newly discovered type of animal. What is swag? It's like asking, what are birds? WE JUST DON'T KNOW.
I'll hate you and your swag.
However, I define swag as an air of coolness one possesses which is visibly felt or seen by people around him or her. You know those hierarchy in high school, where the cheerleaders are at the top of the pyramid? Well, I guess they have a lot of swag. Or it could be swagger. Which means:
1. To walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
2. Discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
3. Act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
Swagger can also be a Pokemon attack!
Swagger, PP: 15, Accuracy: 90%
Confuses the foe, but also sharply raises ATTACK!
How the hell does Wobbuffet have swagger?!
Anyways, I don't mind swag actually. Those who do not understand (or those who don't give a damn) can just live their own lives without swag, while those with or surrounded with swag can live their swaggy lives. Unless they infuse swag with stupidity.
So there are people who thinks that swag overrules everything. Right, let's see how swag gets them a job next time.
When swag becomes too mainstream?
Onwards to the Olympics! Which will be held tomorrow. Or the day after. And shown on TV on the 27th. I think. In fact, I'm not even sure I want to watch it that much. Perhaps it is due to the rumor that Hatsune Miku will be performing there live. Or holographically live, to be accurate. Yes, Hatsune Miku is not a real person. Fans depict her so, though, so who am I to complain? In fact, there are millions of people world wide who take her in as their waifu (wife) and worship her as an omnipotent god or something. Maybe a cult worshiping her will rise, and the world will end with Hatsune Miku taking over the world instead of Cthulu.
But I digress. Hatsune Miku is a Vocaloid, a synthetic voice program which allows people to manipulate the lyrics and the tune of the song. Thousands and thousands of songs have been composed with this program, and last, last year they made a real, life-looking (as anime-ish life-looking as possible) hologram out of her which danced and sang and generally interacted with the mood of the crowd.
Hatsune Miku hologram.
What's weird is that I shall completely skip the Olympic games and perhaps just watch the opening and closing ceremony. Cause that's me. And things happen.
Right. I have nothing more to say. Except for unicorns, which are awesome.
YC, signing out.