Thursday, 22 September 2011

Back to Civilization

Sorry, my faithful readers, for I have been on hiatus for the last few days. Or last few weeks, to be more accurate. Yes, I admit that I have been slightly neglecting this blog for a time now, and I am terribly regretful of that.

So, let's start at the very beginning of the list. The coming year-end exam is giving me a headache. So far, I'm not so worried about Additional Maths now, but more of Chemistry and Physics. Those two subjects are giving me hell at the moment. And then I look at the Form 3s and I envy them. My facebook is piled with statuses upon statuses of Form 3s talking about PMR. I mean, compared to Form 4, PMR may seemed like a kindergartener's work. The level is completely different between the two. Trust me, you will miss objective questions once you come to this Form. Form 4's objective are evil, abusive and evil.

In other news, I went back to my 'kampung' in Johor, which is Muar, on the 16th of September. The motive of this trip back to my hometown is because my cousin who has studied in France for 5-10 years (somewhere in between, wasn't really bothered to remember) came back and my uncle is celebrating by inviting most of my relatives over for dinner. It was fun and all, especially with my cousin's daughter and my uncle's son. But my main topic about this is the COMPUTER THERE SUCKS.

First I was like this...

I know, I know. You guys must be saying like, I'm suppose to enjoy being with my family since that is the purpose of that trip. I know that too well, and I do feel a little guilty, but I am a person who has entertainment needs. So, any of you remember the post where I complained about the computer which sucked? Well, guess what? It decided to take the word 'suck' to a whole new level.

In addition to being slow, laggy, prone to hangs and unresponsiveness, the computer decided to add certificate errors to its list of problems. Now I am unable to login to Facebook, go to my Gmail, or even log in msn. Then of course, I couldn't even download anything because Megaupload and Fileserve were unusable. The only 3 download sites which work were Zomgupload, Uploaded and Hotfile, and they weren't the best. At least I get to use eBuddy and chat with several people, so it wasn't all that bad. Ok, fine, it was that bad.

...Then I was like this.

Now, on to the latest news. My best friend has just touch down today, just in the wee hours of the morning! He will be staying here for 2 weeks and I am sure it'll be fun. The sad thing is, my exam starts next month, so I will be a little torn about studying and enjoying time with him. But swimming is definitely in the equation. HOORAH!

Oh yeah, I nearly forgotten to mention. Some dumb barber cut my hair wrong and now it looks like crap. The end.

I laughed so hard.

YC, signing out.